Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oh My Heavens!

My darling Gertrude! Why did she have to die so soon? Her sweet soul deserved to live a long and joyful life. But the greed of my brother took its wrath upon everyone- full circle. Although I didn't want her to die, I am glad about a few things. First of all, she isn't committing incest with my brother anymore. Second, she will soon be making her way up here to Heaven to be with me. I suppose in the sick, twisted way everything played out, this resolution was for the best. Hamlet can finally rest knowing that my death has been avenged. Laertes and everyone of the kingdom finally knows the truth about what happened. Ophelia and Hamlet will meet again in the paths of their afterlives and everything will be resolved. I never would have imagined all this would come from one quick little message I left for Hamlet.

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