Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oh My Heavens!

My darling Gertrude! Why did she have to die so soon? Her sweet soul deserved to live a long and joyful life. But the greed of my brother took its wrath upon everyone- full circle. Although I didn't want her to die, I am glad about a few things. First of all, she isn't committing incest with my brother anymore. Second, she will soon be making her way up here to Heaven to be with me. I suppose in the sick, twisted way everything played out, this resolution was for the best. Hamlet can finally rest knowing that my death has been avenged. Laertes and everyone of the kingdom finally knows the truth about what happened. Ophelia and Hamlet will meet again in the paths of their afterlives and everything will be resolved. I never would have imagined all this would come from one quick little message I left for Hamlet.

Crashing Down

My heart broke for Hamlet when I saw his face as he received the news. He had no idea that Ophelia- the love of his life- was dead. He didn't even get a chance to really tell her how he felt. He was too caught up acting and scheming and then that brute Claudius tried to send him away to his execution in England! Poor Ophelia left the earth believing that Hamlet was sick of her and never loved her. I tried to comfort Hamlet while he hid in the woods, but he was so enveloped in the situation that he didn't even notice me. I'm sure nothing could really help, anyway. The only way he will get any closure is to face Laertes and straighten everything out. I hope Hamlet will handle the situation with Laertes honorably, even though he is trying so desperately to defeat him.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Sad Truth

I believe I'm the only person who knows the truth about Ophelia's untimely death. Although some, like Laertes, would like to hold my sweet Hamlet fully responsible, he was not the driving force behind her death. I followed her to the river where she went to have some time to herself. She was still acting all loopy and crazy because of the grief she felt for her father's death. She kept chanting things about different kinds of flowers as she picked them from the riverbed. Then, she got this determined look on her face as if she had found a new flower that she really wanted. She began digging for it in the bottom of the river with her toes, watching carefully as the water cleared. Then, out of frustration, she reached down into the river with her hand to pick her prize. I saw her struggling to keep her chin above the water. I wanted to help her, but there was nothing I could do. The water swept her under and trapped her in the undercurrent. I waited helplessly for a few minutes, then saw her body float to the top at a distance. The poor child should be on her way up to Heaven right about now.

Friday, October 30, 2009

What a Mess!

WOW I cannot believe all of this is actually happening before my eyes. I was sure the reception from up here had gone bad when I saw Polonius AND Ophelia die!!! I'm terrified to see what is going to happen between Hamlet and Laertes now. Laertes has always been a respectful, honorable man. But, faced with all the grief from losing his only father and sister, he can't be in his right mind. It probably doesn't help the situation that Hamlet was the one who murdered Polonius, which then led Ophelia to kill herself. He's probably not at the top of Laertes's "Best Friend" list. I plan on doing everything in my power (the little power I have from up here) to help Hamlet in his defense against Laertes. I would feel absolutely horrible if my own prompting for revenge were to lead to the death of my beloved son. This whole situation has turned into a total mess! I just hope everyone gets what they deserve out of it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kill the Rat!

I'm so glad Hamlet finally got rid of that rat, Polonius! All he did was stir up trouble. But, while Hamlet was trying to enlighten his mother, I was beginning to think he may not be able to hold himself back from hurting her out of his anger and frustration. I thought my words stuck with him when I told him not to bring Gertrude into this whole revenge thing, but I couldn't be sure. So, I had to step in. Once I gently reminded Hamlet of his mother's innocence and the peculiar circumstances, he adopted a much kinder tone with her. Gertrude was absolutely shocked and horrified to learn the truth of my death and the inhonorable scum she's been sleeping with. I think at that moment, she realized why Hamlet has been acting so strangely and began to blame herslef for the whole situation. It's true that she has been the vessel for all the evil that's been going on, but she didn't have any active part in it all. I honestly just feel badly for her and Hamlet both. I've watched my wife be manipulated and taken advantage of and I've watched my son evolve from the posed, straight-forward, honorable man he was in my life to this wreckless, desperate, deceiving creature he is now.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Kill Him Already!!!

Hamlet has thought this revenge through to the fullest. He showed some serious self-control when he stopped himself from stabbing Claudius right through the ear while he was confessing. I was watching from above, practically gripping the dagger myself. I was so beyond ready for this to happen. But, I guess Hamlet has a point. If Claudius had died then, confessing his sins, he would have possibly come to join me in heaven. But then I would be in hell. God, if I have to spend one more second with that evil creature even in the afterlife, I think I'm going to birth myself! Hamlet knows what he's doing I suppose. I'm just getting even more anxious for the day of revenge to come.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coo Coo or Cool?

Hamlet is going a little crazy with this whole thing. I feel bad for the boy. I want him to get his revenge and all, but not if it costs him his sanity! I can't really tell whether he's pretending or not anymore. The scariest part of all his coo coo rantings is that they really make sense. It's like his true emotions don't even show anymore unless he's acting crazy. I'm beginning to wonder how he will come out of this state of mind once he's gotten that scum bag to admit to my murder. Or will he?