Friday, October 30, 2009

What a Mess!

WOW I cannot believe all of this is actually happening before my eyes. I was sure the reception from up here had gone bad when I saw Polonius AND Ophelia die!!! I'm terrified to see what is going to happen between Hamlet and Laertes now. Laertes has always been a respectful, honorable man. But, faced with all the grief from losing his only father and sister, he can't be in his right mind. It probably doesn't help the situation that Hamlet was the one who murdered Polonius, which then led Ophelia to kill herself. He's probably not at the top of Laertes's "Best Friend" list. I plan on doing everything in my power (the little power I have from up here) to help Hamlet in his defense against Laertes. I would feel absolutely horrible if my own prompting for revenge were to lead to the death of my beloved son. This whole situation has turned into a total mess! I just hope everyone gets what they deserve out of it.

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