I'm so glad Hamlet finally got rid of that rat, Polonius! All he did was stir up trouble. But, while Hamlet was trying to enlighten his mother, I was beginning to think he may not be able to hold himself back from hurting her out of his anger and frustration. I thought my words stuck with him when I told him not to bring Gertrude into this whole revenge thing, but I couldn't be sure. So, I had to step in. Once I gently reminded Hamlet of his mother's innocence and the peculiar circumstances, he adopted a much kinder tone with her. Gertrude was absolutely shocked and horrified to learn the truth of my death and the inhonorable scum she's been sleeping with. I think at that moment, she realized why Hamlet has been acting so strangely and began to blame herslef for the whole situation. It's true that she has been the vessel for all the evil that's been going on, but she didn't have any active part in it all. I honestly just feel badly for her and Hamlet both. I've watched my wife be manipulated and taken advantage of and I've watched my son evolve from the posed, straight-forward, honorable man he was in my life to this wreckless, desperate, deceiving creature he is now.
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