Monday, October 19, 2009

No... You're Not Dreaming

You know I really thought that if I brought back my dead body in fully suited armor with glowing lights and dramatic music that the guards would immediately run and get Hamlet and tell him that his dead dad had come to speak to him. But, it took two guards and my scholarly friend, Horatio, a good three nights to finally convince themselves that I even existed. Surely if i were still alive I wouldn't be so quick to doubt what is obviously right in front of me. Anyway, despite the difficult time I had getting through to him, my communication with my son has finally revealed its purpose. I don't want to make Hamlet any more depressed than he already is by telling him the news of my murder. In fact, I hope it will have the opposite effect. I want him to use his act of revenge as a way to honor me and say his peaceful goodbyes- to help him get on with his own life. Besides that point, I cannot wait to see that scumbag Claudius get taken down by none other than his own kin- next in line to the throne. My brother (if I can bear to call him that) has taken his greed and self-interest beyond any reasonable lines. I knew of his evil nature even as a young boy, when he fed my sweet palace mouse, Macey, to his awful mean snake. Hamlet shall take this revenge for me, for Macey, and for all the other innocent souls shaken by his cruelty.


  1. Baby I am very sad that your dead. Please don't be mad at me for marrying your sexy brother. It's not personal I swear. Maybe you could just forget about it.

  2. You are such an easy, ignorant, stupid woman. But it's not your fault you're so dumb. I still love you honey. I just want to kill your husband.

  3. Oh hm I guess that might be ok. I mean I did just read on his blog that he "liked women". WHat a dog right?

  4. I told you to get over it Gertrude! I like women! Im a MAN!

  5. OMG Claud PUH-LEAS! Stop reading every little thing I write. GEEZZZZ give me some space.
